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When I first started working as an Artist and Designer in 2022, I was able to rent a small souterrain studio in the Westend district of Munich. Accommodated only 5 walking minutes from my apartment, this studio was ground zero for my first solo exhibition "SCHMIERFINK" in October 2022.
At the beginning of 2023, the apartment of my parents really needed a makeover.
Thankfully a good friend was able to help me with the project and we finished it off pretty quickly. Having done that, I was able to re-accommodate my studio in my old children's room which was completely empty. 

Due to the fact that the apartment would be rented out soon, the solution only lasted until the end of 2023.

From now on I am working from my apartment. But for more complex projects which demand highest precision, I am teaming up with HOLZRAUSCH to be able to have their expertise and use their high-end workshop located close to Munich. 


In case you are thinking about a creative and really individual interior solution for your home, project or workspace, please click here and send me an e-mail where you describe the idea in a few words

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